We aim to provide the best deals on holidays around the United Kingdom. Founded by fellow travellers who wanted to make finding the best accommodation in UK easier. We are trying to give users everything they need at the touch of a finger.
We are building websites, which have been helping travellers explore different countries and save money on accommodation more than 10 years and ukdirectly.com is our latest project. Our hotel directory offers direct links to almost all UK hotel websites. This allows you to book rooms for much cheaper than using third-party platforms like Booking or Agoda. In addition, it allows you to receive hotel benefits thanks to booking directly through the hotels’ websites.
Our hotel directory gives you the chance to compare different UK hotels to receive the best rate available. You can receive information on hotels in all of the major UK tourist destinations including London, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Belfast, and many more. If you are looking to explore the UK and find the best hotel deals, you can do so with us. No matter what type of hotel are you looking for, you can find it here :)
Olivia, Jacob, Emily
Rick's Causeway Coast Hostel
4 Victoria Terrace., Portstewart, BT55 7BA, United Kingdom